Why a Spare Pair of Underwear is Every Day Essential Accessory
We're all "that" girl. Have you ever found yourself rummaging through your bag, wishing you had a spare pair of underwear on hand? If so, you’re not alone. The truth is, no matter what age or phase of life we’re...
Five (undie) rules to live by!
Taking care of your undies and intimate bits isn’t just a mundane chore—it’s an art form! At Spare Pair, we’re all about celebrating the unsung heroes of your daily comfort: the right fabrics and styles that keep you feeling fabulous...
The Back Up Plan for Incontinence and Unexpected Leaks
So let's talk about the unfortunate mishaps of being a vagina owner. Did you know that 1 in every 4 women leak a little when they sneeze? I imagine that same statistic goes for when they cough or laugh...
Spare Pair Underwear: How One “Oops” Moment Sparked an Eco-Friendly Solution
Let’s be real: back in eighth grade English class, I definitely could have used a backup pair of undies. (We’ll spare you the TMI details, but let’s just say Aunt Flo’s timing has been questionable since day one.) Fast-forward to...